Belinda J. Lewis
Pa Skinner

Photograph scanned and restored

Final image printed with sepia

Pa Skinner
Racheal Boykett - brides maid
Racheal Boykett Portrait

Above image scanned and cropped to subject - overlay of clock and butterflies - final print with sepia

Jackie Skinner in hospital Jackie Skinner
Above image scanned, cropped to subject and restored
Griffith Cup Previous Winners Griffith Cup & Trophies Griffith Cup
Above 2 images on the left cropped to subject and overlay to produce the image on the right
Chariot Ruby Red
Chariot Ruby Red
1st Prize - Open Experimental Photography - 2001 Diegesis Festival
The Netalert Gippsland Diegesis Festival
Fiji - Snorkling Adventure
Image of me in Fiji, with a cartoon in fore ground constructed from a black outline and colored/shaded etc.
The Matrix - Bindy Been There

Back ground is a photo I shot while in Switzerland, when travelling on the world's steepest cog rail from Mount Pilatus

Overlay "The Matrix" CD cover
(with my head and sunglasses added)